Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Task 2: abnormally thin

This topic talk about abnormallly thin. It mean some people in the dance world have a very thin body, dancers thin is not like thin on the street, it is about 15 percent below our ideal weight for height. Therefore, they have an eating disorder. so, it cause some diseases, and they often die when they are young.
Erin is a girl in this situation, she is very thin, maybe she will die, her mother worry about her very much, but she doesn't care, she like that.
I 'm very interesting about health and I want to have a thin body, but I also want to eat good meals, so I will never have a thin body like that ^^
New words:
disorder: a medical condition in which you do not eat a normal amount of food and are ill because of this
abnormally: unsually


clover said...

I see that you do not fat ,so do not worry ,eat much like me , do i fat?

Mohamed said...

hi thao!i have listened to this video and i found it interesting.because i have never known that most of dancers die in the young age cause they eat somthing diffirent,it's realy strange for me because it's the first time to hear that about the dancers.I don't think it's true because the dance is kind of sport,so the sport help the people to have good body and health.I'am really astonished.