Thursday, October 30, 2008

week 6: task 3: proud of you

sorry, I scare the strange things, so I don't want to hear about halloween more.

I like this song very much because its lyrics is very wonderful, its sound is very cute, and its melody is light, gentle, and cute. I don't know how to explain my impression and feeling, I only say that I really like this song.

sorry again, I can't explain this song mean clearly. please listen it, you will know why I like it.

week 6: tast 2: Halloween in Japan

Halloween in Japan is bigger in the US. at that time, having a party on the street and everyone will wear custumes and walk for on the street, and have candy for kids. Japaneses don't know why celebrate Halloween, but they reconized that it's fun and everyone likes festival, so that they join Halloweeen party excitingly, with 1000 people take part in the party on the street. Besides, this celebration is also attracted foreigners who have Halloween as a traditional festival, they said that they also wanted to have a big Halloween festival like in Japan.

I'm a person who likes festivals. I also likes this festival,but I don't have any custumes to wear:(, and I don't want to buy anything, sorry ^^

Monday, October 27, 2008

week 6: task 1: history of Halloween

Halloween is a celebration come from Ireland in A.D 800s . The Celts, who lived at that time believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth on the night before the new year ( november 1st), and they thought that ghosts would be causing trouble and damaging crops; therefore, they celebrated to wish a good havest, a safe dark cold winter, and to welcome a new year.

During the celebration, everyone wore costumes, typically consisting of animal heads and skins, and attempted to tell each other's fortunes, and built huge sacred bonfires, where the people gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deities.

I feel scared because costumes are very strange and the air is terrifying. In short, I'm afraid ghosts.^^

Saturday, October 18, 2008

week4: task3: news

Third Presidential Debate HQ (Part 1) Obama vs McCain - 2008 3rd Presidential Debate McCain vs Obama - 10/15 John McCain And Barack Obama Debate At Hofstra University Hempstead New York - Third Obama McCain Final Debate In High Quality October 15th

This is a debate between Jonh McCain vs Obama, one of them will become president of the USA. In this video, both of them talk about tax policy, and both offer tax cut, and a sum of money for their plan. Jonh McCain offer tax cut for everyone that is citizens of America, especially he concerns to house for people, he wants citizen of America have house. Besides, Obama is more interesting in people that increase jobs for everyone, he promised that will have tax credit for these people.

do you see which is better?to me, I don't understand much about what they said. ^^new words:tax credit

Monday, October 13, 2008

week 4: task 2: Festival For Families

This topic talked about a fastival for families who are from many different countries at a large city. This fastival has been going on for 10 years. Everyone comes there to buy some special or nomal things , to taste many kind of food from many country, to listen to Latin music and dance...many interesting activities there.
To me, learning many culture from many country is good and interesting.

week 4: task 1: high shool

This video talks about stories of girls and boys at their school. The main characters in this story are a group include 6 rich boys and 1 girl. They have many interesting activities for fun. They also make many proplems and have to solve them by themselves. However, they are very interested in together, and understand together.

I like this story because it makes me relax

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Task 3: imagine

This song say about an ideal world without war, hunger, religion, greed...; and everybody live together in peace

This song is very cute. I love this . I know that we can't have that, but I still dream about it.

Besides, the baby singer is very pretty, and her sound is really cute^^

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Task 2: abnormally thin

This topic talk about abnormallly thin. It mean some people in the dance world have a very thin body, dancers thin is not like thin on the street, it is about 15 percent below our ideal weight for height. Therefore, they have an eating disorder. so, it cause some diseases, and they often die when they are young.
Erin is a girl in this situation, she is very thin, maybe she will die, her mother worry about her very much, but she doesn't care, she like that.
I 'm very interesting about health and I want to have a thin body, but I also want to eat good meals, so I will never have a thin body like that ^^
New words:
disorder: a medical condition in which you do not eat a normal amount of food and are ill because of this
abnormally: unsually

Monday, October 6, 2008

Task 1: A Foal in Trouble

This movie is bout animal hospital. Beside curing animal, this hospital teaches veterinary students. These students have studied science for 3 years, after that they came to hospital to practice. In there, they have to practice how to cure all animal, even large animal. This hospital will train them all neccessary knowledge to treat for anima

Mike is a fresh student there, and he never spent any time with horses, he have to learn many thing and remember all of these. He and some other doctor are curing for a horse.

I chose this topic because I am interesting in animals and health.

New words:

foal (n): a very young horse

rigorous (adj): very trick

veterinary (adj): relating to the medical care and treatment of sick animals

Saturday, October 4, 2008

This is my apartment, it is good!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Hi everybody!!
My name is Thao, I come from Vietnam. I have been here for one month...this isn't my first time live far from my family, so I adapt to the new life in the US easier because I know how to live alone, how to take care myself, but I recognise that everything is new, and I have still learned a lot in order to become better. Nearly, I made many mistakes ,that's so bad :(
I studied business administration for two years, now I don't intend to study that subject, but I am still interesting in it a lot, so if anybody wants to discuss to business, we can do together.
In my freetime, I offen read books and watch movies. I like many kinds of books and movies. I addicted to both, so I don't dare to play any kind of other entertainments because I won't have freetime to do anything else.^^
I also like to go shopping to buy food and necessary products because it don't take much time, if I go shopping for a long time,I will have headache :(. I can cook, sometimes I want to cook somethings, just sometimes because I'm lazy, so my aparment have a person who studies cooking. Therefore, he offen cooks for everyone, so I and my roommates have good meals, ^^some of my friends said I'm very lucky, ^^ I know that ^^:)
now, my hand is tired ^^, so I stop here, sorry :)

have a good day,